Showing all 16 results
Limited ELIZZ Stix – Blueberry
€ 12,90 with VAT
How can you make your busy day as pleasant as possible? The answer is simple. Reach for the limited edition sour blueberries with exceptional taste. Thanks to it, you will travel to the island of flavors, from which you will not want to return. Each inhalation evokes excitement in you
Limited Elizz Stix – CHOCOLATE
€ 12,50 with VAT
There is nothing better than our limited editions. This is doubly true for this chocolate e-ciggarete. After inhaling, you will feel the quality of real chocolate, which impresses even the biggest critic. Dive into the chocolate land, where chocolate is not raining, the rivers flow slowly and every single bite
Limited ELIZZ Stix – Coconut
€ 12,50 with VAT
Tropical mood in just seconds. Just inhale the limited edition of our Elizzka and your mood will change immediately. The unique and sensual taste of coconut combined with regular inhalations are signs that you are right where you want to be. Relax and discover an adventurer who can survive even
Limited ELIZZ Stix – COLA
€ 12,90 with VAT
Everyone knows the taste of the real Coca-Cola. And everyone loves it more or less. Therefore, it is no wonder that e- cigarette flavored with this well-chilled and flavored beverage is so popular. Pleasant cooling during long summer evenings, but also relief from everyday worries. You will feel its power
€ 12,50 with VAT
No other Elizz will take you to summer like this one. It doesn't matter if you enjoy it wrapped in a duvet or on a slope full of skiers. Its fresh taste will bring you real summer mood with a touch of bright sun and summer breeze. Feel like you
Pop ELIZZ Stix
€ 35,00 with VAT
Zo skúseností a vašich recenzií vieme, že jedna Elizzka jednoducho nestačí. Siahnite po balíčku 3 kusov tých najobľúbenejších príchutí. Nájdete v ňom príchuť jahody, melónu či energy drinku. Vďaka tomuto spojeniu si naplno užijete pohodu a relax, no zároveň vás nakopne do náročného dňa. Je len na vás či ich budete bafkať postupne
Pop ELIZZ Stix Limited
€ 35,00 with VAT
Limitovaná edícia 3 kusov obľúbených Elizziek môže byť vaša. Vychutnajte si ich všetky naraz alebo si z nich bafkajte postupne. Voľba je len na vás. Tento balíček je naozaj výnimočný. Odhalíte v ňom zmyselnosť kvalitnej čokolády, tropickú chuť exotického kokosu či upokojujúce tóny levandule a harmančeku. Počas dňa vás príjemne nakopnú a vďaka kvalitnému
€ 36,00 with VAT
Ice, ice and again ice. This package is intended for real connoisseurs. Enjoy ice refreshment enriched with strawberry, watermelon or banana. Each e- cigarette will diversify your day, during which all your senses will freeze so that you feel comfortable and satisfied. Indulge in the ice charm and discover all
€ 12,30 with VAT
Do you feel like having a real summer refreshment? Or do you just need it? In that case, you will reach for the flavor of banana and ice. This combination will give you less freshness, which every fan of fresh fruit will appreciate. After inhaling, you will feel the positive
Single ELIZZ Stix – FOCUS
€ 12,50 with VAT
Do you need to concentrate and do not know how to do it? Focus Elizzka is the right solution that will help you focus. The scent of fruit with roselle and jasmine flavor will playfully solve any problem and you can fully concentrate on things that simply cannot wait. After
Single ELIZZ Stix – Salted caramel + donut
€ 12,30 with VAT
Enjoy the little things and sin with our exceptional sweet Elizzka. Indulge in the taste of salted caramel together with the donut and immerse yourself in the sweet feeling of doing nothing. Treat yourself to a bit of wrongdoing with your favorite e-cigarette, but forget about guilt. Take the vitamins
Single ELIZZ Stix – SLIM FIT
€ 12,70 with VAT
Stay devoted to sports and a healthy lifestyle with our Elizzka Slim Fit. Its uniqueness is that it suppresses the appetite, so you don't think about anything but the enjoyment of inhaling. It is enriched with lime and grapefruit flavor. If that's still not enough, after the inhaling you will
€ 12,80 with VAT
The combination of bananas and strawberries, proven for years, gives this Elizzka the right flavor. Thanks to the freshness and combination of both flavors, it offers enjoyment like no other. The overall experience is enhanced by the diamond on the e-cigarette, which will delight you with each inhalation. If you
€ 12,90 with VAT
How do you best combine ice and fresh strawberries? With smoking. The freshness of your favorite fruit complemented by cold ice will expand your senses and you will be able to indulge in a pleasant feeling at Elizzka , which will last up to 500 inhalations. We recommend it together
€ 12,90 with VAT
Have you already tried our Elizzka with watermelon flavor? In that case, increase the smoking experience to the maximum with a flavor that also contains ice. The perfect combination of tastes will test all your thoughts and you will be able to fully indulge in a pleasure that will not
Sleep ELIZZ Stix
€ 12,90 with VAT
Sleep is the foundation of every successful day. If you suffer from insomnia or wake up regularly at night, you will reach for Ellizka Sleep Stix . Thanks to the aroma of lavender, chamomile and melatonin, you will calm your mind and prepare it for a peaceful night full of